Obamas Stimulus Plan for Loan Modification and Mortgage Refinancing

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Due to the high numbers of homeowners facing foreclosure President Obama and his government have devised a home refinance stimulus package and also some loan modification programs to help. The government and President Obama have begun these plans to help those that are facing foreclosure and having difficulty repaying their loans. As many as 9 million mortgages would be covered by the loan modification plan and home refinance stimulus package and the government is estimating spending $75 billion in the process to help all of the struggling homeowners.

2 main components for Obama's Stimulus Package:

1. Refinance

2. Loan Modification

Let us discuss both components in detail:

1. Home Refinance Stimulus Package

·Using this package the government would have the two biggest and powerful lending agencies, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, to refinance homes. Homeowners are buried under their mortgage and are paying more than their homes are actually worth. The condition in order to use this package, it is that the loan be a guarantee be the lender Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. This condition applies even if you become financially secure and are able to pay on your own.

·There is however a major condition before one can qualify for the refinance stimulus package; the stimulus package is only for homes that are lived in. Those properties that have no one living in them are not eligible for the Obama home refinance stimulus package.

2. Loan Modification Stimulus Package

·President Obama and his administration have provided incentives for lenders that are doing loan modifications for homes that have existing loans. Based on this program homeowners are going to be able to stop foreclosure for good by following the program. The loan modification and refinancing program will reduce high interest rates and decrease it to 2% only. The tenure of the loan will increase in order to reduce the borrowers’ monthly payment and the late fees some have incurred would also be waived.

·Using this loan modification or refinancing program the lender would take care of monthly payments and it would not increase by more than 31% of the borrowers’ monthly income.

-M Petrone

2009 Obama Stimulus Plan for Mortgage Refinancing and Modification.

Homeowners who are having a hard time paying their monthly mortgage payment, are facing “Financial Hardships”, are facing foreclosure, or want to save money every month should take advantage of President Obamas “Making Home Affordable” plan. This recently enacted plan allows homeowners to get 2% fixed rate home mortgages through refinancing or loan modification. Here is how you can take advantage:

To take advantage of President Obamas plan for yourself, you must meet these guidelines and eligibility requirements:

-Homeowners who are facing financial hardships, and can prove them with documents, can apply for, and most likely be approved for a home loan modification. This will be into a much more affordable monthly payment, depending on your financial hardships and how much those cost you.

-The home which is to be refinanced using this “Making Home Affordable” plan needs to be lived in as a primary residence by the actual homeowner. Homes used as investment, or second properties are not covered under this Government backed housing bailout program.

-With such a bad housing market and economy, homeowners can now refinance or get a home loan modification even if they owe as much as 105% of their homes actual market value. This will assist a lot of homeowners who have been making their payments, yet have seen their home values drop as a result of the tough economy.

-Home loans backed by either Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae are automatically eligible to be modified into a monthly payment which will not exceed 31% of the homeowners gross monthly income. This will help a lot of people who currently spend 50% or more of their income towards their mortgage payments.

This is a great way for millions of homeowners across the country to get back on track with their finances, save money every month, or most importantly save their home from foreclosure. Refinancing and loan modification are now easier and more beneficial for a homeowner than they have ever been before. If you need to save money to save your home, or pay off other mounting debts, use this plan now and start seeing the huge savings every month. You at least should look into the potential savings that you may be able to get by talking to a mortgage lender or bank. Do yourself a favor and act now before it is too late and you lose your home, or this program is gone.

-M Petrone

Big Savings: Refinance Existing Loans

Monday, June 29, 2009

With the economy being less than stable these days business everywhere are swamped with the promises of saving money. Everywhere they turn they are offered ways to save on daily costs or they are offered an opportunity to reduce their overhead costs.

Many things can be done to reduce the overall expenses for a business. A few things that a business can do to reduce their cost of operation is purchase they very minimum of what they need, layoffs and even outsourcing is a possibility. It’s difficult to be a business in this economy people are doing everything it takes to stay above water.

All of this is happening while those lenders out there make getting credit harder than ever. These days it is very difficult to get credit to build your own business, lenders are making it increasingly difficult to get a line of credit and many of these same lenders are reducing and in some cases closing people’s line of credit all together. A great option that is out there is Refinancing.

Most people will think of refinancing their current loans only when they see rough times ahead. Usually business owners or homeowners decide to refinance when they know that their monthly payments are increasing or if they are about to default on a payment. There are many business owners never really think about the loans they have and as long as the payments are made and paid on time they don’t seem to worry about those loans. Since being a business nowadays is difficult, owners don’t want to approach banks or other lenders to restart the loan process over again.

Since many do not think of refinancing until they feel they need to, savings are being lost by hundreds of business owners. Also waiting to refinance when you are in trouble is going to be much more difficult and that much harder to find a lender that would be willing to help a struggling business in this economy. By refinancing your loans before being forced to can help your business grow and position yourself to save money while doing so.

Also, if you think that your lender now is thinking of raising rates or something like that, a great way to go around them is to refinance.

In order to always keep your finances in order you should always keep your eyes open and look for new opportunities. There really is no better time than now to refinance your home or business loans. Lenders are looking for new customers and are offering lower rates than ever before. Refinancing not only means your mortgage loans but if you are a business this also includes any and all equipment used to run your daily work day.


Let’s say that when starting your business 18 months ago, you also took a loan out for the equipment that you need. That loan you needed was for $80,000 and it was 8% for the next five years. If you were to refinance the loan at just 7% in the same time frame you would be saving about $500 every month. Once you refinance and start saving that money every month you can use that extra cash for other aspects of your business.

There is no quick easy answer to saving your business, however the combination of refinancing, cutting cost and getting more out of your current customers can help save not only much need cash but also the business.

FHA Home Mortgage Loan Modification or Refinancing

Friday, June 26, 2009

In today’s economy the housing market has taken a few hard hits. The housing market has seen a drastic decline, which for many homeowners results in foreclosure. This drastic decline in the housing market and the current state of the economy, many homeowners are left jobless, helpless and in some cases homeless. Many homeowners are finding it harder and harder to make their monthly mortgage payments and due to this home foreclosures are on the rise. However, for those people that purchased their homes using an FHA loan they are one of the lucky few that can refinance their mortgage into a much more affordable rate.

These FHA home loans are becoming more popular especially in the last few years and many people have purchased their homes using this type of loan recently. Many homeowners and potential buyers have purchased their homes using a FHA loan mostly in part because the odds of being approved even with bad credit are greatly increased. Because you can be approved for a FHA loan even if you have bad credit and because many people these days have bad or not so great credit it is a great option to try and refinance or modify your current mortgage rate.

In general when people first hear about FHA loans they think that it is a government issued, backed or financed loan. However this is not true, what it actually is is simply a loan that is protected against defaulting by the FHA. All that the government does is insure the loan but it does not issue them. Many people that do not have the cash to put down on a home can benefit from using a FHA loan. These FHA loans do not have a limit for incomes when looking to purchase a home. These FHA home loans work with the buyer in order to rebuild, stabilize and revitalize the crumbling housing market and also get people into their own homes.

FHA mortgage loans
are fairly easy to refinance especially in today’s economy. The FHA is really there to help those homeowners facing foreclosure stay in their homes or stop them from defaulting on their mortgage payments. What this translates into is many homeowners can refinance their mortgages into affordable monthly payments regardless of their financial situation or any other reason. With the FHA mortgage loan the biggest requirement that you may have is that you do not send in payments late or become delinquent in any type of way.

Use a FHA mortgage to refinance your home. You can potentially save your hard earned cash and have an affordable mortgage with just a few easy steps.

Refinancing a mortgage with bad credit or after bankruptcy.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Even with bankruptcy, refinancing a home mortgage can put more money in your pocket every month with lower mortgage payments, or to finance a large purchase. However, sometimes a bankruptcy can hurt your chances of refinancing at a lower rate than you have now, making a mortgage refinance pointless. So make sure to research a variety of different mortgage lenders to know your options and the lowest quoted rates.

Good Reasons to Refinance a Home Mortgage.
There are many good reasons to look into refinancing. Mainly, people refinance to get a lower interest rate than they currently have. If you can refinance at just 1% (Hopefully more) lower than your rate is now, you may save hundreds of dollars. Ultimately, the goal of refinancing a home loan is to have extra money every month. Although some home owners do choose a cash out refinance where they end up increasing the cost of their home. A cash out refinance is just borrowing money from the equity of your home. This can appeal if you want to reduce debts, home repairs, home improvements, or other big purchases.

Repair Your Credit Rating Before Refinancing.
The chances of getting a good low mortgage rate immediately following a bankruptcy are pretty low. Therefore, it is advised to improve your credit score as much as possible before refinancing a home loan. You should get your own copy of your credit score before applying with different lenders. Use this report to fix any errors you encounter and to see where you can eliminate old debts and improve your credit score. Usually paying off store credit cards, credit card, auto loans is a good way to quickly improve your credit rating. Do not get yourself into more debt before a home mortgage refinance or modification, or get new lines of credit.

Research Potential Mortgage Lenders.
There are a lot of different mortgage lenders who specialize in bad credit, or post bankruptcy refinancing. Sub prime mortgage lenders are especially good at this and have a wide variety of options to help you. You can research potential mortgage lenders using the internet. There are a lot of websites out there from lenders trying to get your business. Make sure to shop around to find the best rates, terms and conditions you can. Once you get a rate quote you like you can shop that quote around to other potential lenders.

-M Petrone

3 Bad Reasons To Refinance Your Home Mortgage

Monday, June 8, 2009

There are a lot of homeowners who think that a mortgage refinance can be used as some kind of personal financial bailout, in case of emergency. If you count on your home getting you out of a tough financial situation, join the club. Some misconceptions about how a mortgage refinance should be used are widespread and common beliefs a lot of homeowners have. Here are some of the things that a home mortgage refinance should not be used, or considered, or counted on for.

Mortgage Refinancing Is Not An End All Solution To Financial Problems
This is probably the number one idea people get stuck in their heads. Basically, it is commonly believed that a mortgage refinance can be used to end all of your other financial woes. Generally, this homeowner believes that a mortgage refinance has helped them earlier in life and can help them again, and again. While this may hold true for the first, maybe second time, it will get harder and harder to find a lender who will work with you. The lender will see that their is another problem somewhere in your financial planning, that has casued you to be in debt so often, for so much. The rates will increase, the fees will increase, and the more you refinance the more you will put your home in risk of being taken by the bank should you miss a payment.

I can refinance my mortgage should an emergency come up.
Technically, it can be used as an emergency plan, but should not. You should not be getting into emergency financial situations often enough to be even comfortable considering a refinance, let alone execute one. Its bad habit, think of your home as the only thing that will be there forever. It should not just be used at your will to free burden that has been building up. You should act on financial irresponsibility in other ways.

I can refinance for any reason I want.
Again, technically you can refinance your home for any reason you want. However, you should only refinance to save on interest rates, or to shorten the length of an existing mortgage. Both of these reason are good financially sound reasons to refinance. Dont use a refinance to purchase non nesscary items or services. Use it only to better your long term financial position. Do not take it for granted you are putting your home one the line with a home mortgage refinance.

Refinance only if you can get a loan rate 2% or more lower than your current rate. This will save you money every month and ensure you get a good refinancing deal. Do not forget to add closing costs to the total. Often these can be added to the loan, but they should be paid if you can by cash. Shop your quote around to different mortgage lenders and see which terms rates and conditions fit your needs.

2% Mortgage Refinancing now available from Obamas Stimulus

Friday, June 5, 2009

Recently, Obama announced his housing stimulus plan which makes over 5 million homeowners instantly eligible for refinancing into a 2% fixed rate. This stimulus package will lower homeowners monthly payments so take advantage now.

Here are some key elements to the proposed Obama housing stimulus plan:

*Help current homeowners who have seen their property or home values decrease by 15% or more with a option to refinance. This helps a lot of homeowners who have seen their property values drop in value in the wake of this mortgage crisis.

*Make loan modification and refinancing a home loan an easier, more beneficial to the borrower, process.

*To keep home mortgage interest rates locked in to a specifice percentage. Ideally a 2% interest rate across the board.

*Provide no assistance or help to market speculators. They ultmiately profit from other peoples downfall and should not be helped.

*Help homeowners who are facing foreclosure or may default on their mortgage by allowing them to more easily refinance their current home loan.

This tough economy is making it harder for good financially responsible home owners and mortgage payers to get that payment in every month in full and on time. Hopefully though by allowing them a chance to refinance at a 2% interest rate, they will lower their costs enough to increase their standard of living, pay off bills, or save. Also, recently millions of people or their spouse have lost their jobs or have had their income reduced, which is adding to the nearly 6 million homes facing foreclosure. Property values in neighborhoods are really struggling, a 2% interest rate would almost instantly raise home values as property values also rise as less homes are foreclosed on and more are bought and sold.

Are you Eligible for Obamas Mortgage Refinance Stimulus?

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Homeowners who are having a hard time making their monthly mortgage payments can now take advantage of President Obamas “Making Home Affordable” plan. This plan makes millions of homeowners eligible to take advantage and obtain a new 4% fixed rate home loan through refinancing. Here is how it works:

-The mortgage must have less than $729,500 remaining on the due balance.

-The mortgage must have been signed on and completed prior to January 1st 2009.

-The home to be refinanced must be lived in as a primary residence by the owner.

-Your personal income can (and will be) be verified using tax returns and pay stubs.

-A letter of “Financial Hardship” written by and signed by you, in your own handwriting.

-The homeowner must agree and goto free credit counseling if their monthly household debts exceed 55% of the homeowners gross monthly income.

Here are some options Mortgage Lenders and Banks can offer using this plan:

-Your monthly mortgage payments will be lowered to no more than 31% of your gross monthly income.

-Interest rates can actually go to as low as 2% but typically will be closer to the 4% range.

-Their will be no fees or other costs for performing a home mortgage modification or refinance.

-Banks and mortgage lenders could potentially set up balloon payments at the end of the mortgages in order to recover their money from offering such low monthly payments. This payment needs to be paid off prior to selling or refinancing your home another time.

-For every year of on time payments, the Government will reduce the amount of principal you owe on your home by $1,000 up to a maximum of $5,000 just for making payments on time.

-The banks and mortgage lenders can adjust the interest rates after a 5 year period. This plan is to help homeowners recover from their financial troubles.

-This plan can only be used one time to refinance or modify your home loan.

If you have remained current and up to date on your monthly mortgage paymentsq, and are not able to modify your home loan, then refinancing may be the best alternative option. Refinancing into a fixed 4% interest rate with President Obamas plan can be very easy. Here are some requirements for this:

-Again, the home must be a primary residence.

-Proof of income to support the new mortgage and other debts is required.

-Cash taken out from the new home loan can not be used to pay other loan debts you may have.

-The home loan must be financed by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac.

-The mortgage interest rate will be determined by the national average and points may be added on as well as fees charged.

-The new mortgage will be either for 15 or 30 years with a fixed rate of interest.

-The banks low interest offers may expire after an initial 5 year period.

-Homeowners can even refinance if they have a mortgage worth up to 5% more than their homes current value.

Home mortgage refinancing or modification
, especially using this plan will benefit millions of homeowners. The reports are coming back already and the average homeowner is saving hundreds every month by taking advantage of this plan and refinancing their home mortgage.

President Barack Obama's Mortgage Modification Or Refinance Stimulus Plan

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

President Barack Obama is well aware that the current economic situation in the country leaves a lot of homeowners struggling. Housing prices have crashed and the all time high number of foreclosures does not help that at all, lowering surrounding homes values by as much as 9%. Home and property values have dropped so far that many homeowners now owe more on their mortgage than their home is actually worth. Due to these problems, the Obama administration has introduced the housing and homeowner stimulus plan. This plan was announced in February and has started this month. Most people no longer have 20% equity in their homes, which is typically required for traditional mortgage refinancing, due to the dropping home prices. The stimulus plan from President Obama is going to make it easier for homeowners to modify or refinance their current home mortgage and have more manageable monthly payments and avoid a possible foreclosure. The goal of this home mortgage stimulus plan is to help over 5 million homeowners stay in their homes and avoid foreclosure or defaulting on their loan. This is done by giving incentives to mortgage lenders to use their new guidelines for approving a mortgage refinance. So with more incentives and less risk to mortgage lenders are going to be more flexible on who can refinance, how much they can save, and finding financially affordable monthly mortgage payments.

Homeowners looking to refinance or modify their current mortgages will get their loans restructured by mortgage lenders. With this plan, the maximum allowable monthly mortgage payment can not exceed 38% of the homeowners gross monthly income. Mortgage lenders will also get a dollars for dollar incentive from the government to further lower the monthly payments to 31% of the homeowners gross monthly income. This is great news for a lot of homeowners who are out of work or just struggling to make their monthly mortgage payment. A lot of homeowners currently pay 40% or even 50% of their income towards their mortgage. A 20% reduction would add up to a lot of saved money every month.

The Treasury of the United States has an exact series of guidelines for mortgage lenders and banks to complete when refinancing or modifying a home mortgage loan. In the past for example, mortgage loans have been refinanced or modified by adding on missed payments to the loans principal which basically did nothing to reduce the monthly payment. The housing mortgage refinance stimulus plan announced by Obama will mean a great amount of savings for millions of homeowners.

-M Petrone
Home refinancing can save you thousands or if it is done the wrong way cost you thousands. Greedy mortgage lenders will try to suck you dry if you let them. Learn how to properly refinancing a home mortgage and walk away happy and with more money.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_Petrone

Home Mortgage Rate Predictions for 2009

Monday, June 1, 2009

Mortgage Rate Predictions for 2009. Their is no doubt that the rough economy and the unstable housing market play a huge role in predicting home mortgage interest rates for 2009, however it is possible to come up with a good idea as to where the rates are headed. Here are some good ideas as to where mortgage rates should head for 2009.

Everyone is wondering where mortgage rates will go throughout 2009. Currently, mortgage rates are at a near all time low. In many markets, the mortgage interest rates are under 5% for a fixed rate 15 year mortgage. However, the only homeowners who can take full advantage of the lowest of the low rates have a FICO score over 700 and 20% to put down on the mortgage. Refinancing yo can expect a rate around 5.25% if you have good credit and good finances. Even with what I said above, many homeowners will be able to benefit financially from a mortgage refinance.

Mortgage Rates: 2009
Although nobody can be 100% sure where the rates will go, I do like to think I have a pretty good idea. I predict that due to refinance applications currently coming to lenders offices at record paces, that mortgage rates will temporarily increase. This is due to mortgage lenders being back worked from processing all of the paperwork coming in. While the temporary rate increase goes into affect they will be able to catch up on paper work and realize that they we're a lot busier with the lower rate being advertised. Over all I predict that home mortgage rates for 2009 will take a temporary .5% increase followed by steady steep declines throughout 2009.

It is generally a good idea if you are looking into refinancing to do it now. Get a locked in quoted rate on paper and you can potentially save hundreds of dollars per month.

Refinancing a Home Or Condo Mortgage

Typically when applying for a mortgage loan, you quickly find out how many types of information you will need to provide. To begin with, you will need proof of income, checking or savings account information that goes back as much as 3 months to verify someone did not borrow you the down payment just for the looks, you will also need to provide tax returns. Also, you will need to bring a copy of the deposit that you gave to your realtor when you decide you found the perfect condo or home to finance. Almost all the time, the bank will send an appraiser out to the property your looking to finance, they also send an inspector out to make sure there is no significant costly damage that will need to be repaired within the first few months/years of your mortgage. You will also need to provide proof of home owner or condo owners insurance once the loan is approved.

Meanwhile, in the time between applying for either financing or refinancing you should not use any credit sources. Do not get anything financed or refinanced while the loan is awaiting approval. Refinancing loans are pretty strict and may take a few weeks to months depending on your personal financial situation. To receive refinancing in some instances you must pay off an old debt or two in order to turn that corner so the bank will refinance.

When your refinancing approval goes through it is all down hill from there. Meeting the bank and the Realtor one more time is needed before closing on the house or condo. Make sure to bring your down payment with you and anything else your realtor or banker asked you to bring in. Remember after the closing goes through the property taxes are now in your name, including any back taxes that were due on that property. You now will be the official condo or home owner!

-M Petrone

What Should I Know About Condo Refinancing?

Most people use refinancing to take advantage of lower interest rates that may be available now but were not available when they took out a mortgage on their condo. More to the point, it is going through the procedure of taking out a second mortgage, and turning around and using that cash to close, or pay off a current mortgage.

If you are lucky enough to refinance your condo with a lower interest rate then when your first got the mortgage then your monthly payments should be lower, even if your new mortgage on your condo is for the same amount than your old one. Before you start the refinancing process, you need to weigh the savings of a lower monthly payment with the costs associated with refinancing.

Usually, the rule on refinancing a condo is that the interest rate of the new mortgage should be -2% (about two percent lower) than your current mortgage. These days there are tons of no cost refinancing options available. Overall it is probably likely that should you decide to refinance your condo, you will be saving money (by obtaining a better interest rate)

Condo refinancing is a good opportunity to gather a quick large sum of cash. You can use this cash to upgrade your condo and increase its future value even more. Probably, your condo has also risen in value, that will be taken into account in the second mortgage. That means good news for your with the new refinancing!

Things to know before starting the refinancing process:

Know YOUR reasons to Refinance

1. Most likely a condo mortgage rate is lower now than it was when you bought. Refinancing will put cash in your pocket, with a lower interest rate your monthly condo mortgage payment is smaller.

2. Obtain a Fixed rate mortgage instead of the A.R.M. (adjustable rate mortgage) you have now.

3. Obtain a A.R.M. for your condo with better terms than the one you are in now.

4. Fast way to grow equity. Just by refinancing your condo

5. Turn equity into cash. With the new smaller interest rate you receive through refinancing on your condo you will most likely have a good sum of built up cash coming to you!

-M. Petrone

4% Mortgage Modification for Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac Loans by Using the Obama Stimulus Plan

If you are a homeowner who happens to have a mortgage insured or financed by either Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, which 60% of mortgages are, you can now do a home mortgage modification and get a fixed 4% interest rate. This is possible due to Obamas $75 Billion “Making Home Affordable” housing refinance and modification stimulus plan.

So just who will actually qualify and be approved for a home mortgage refinance or modification at a fixed 4% rate using this Obama stimulus plan? Here are some very basic eligibility guidelines for President Obamas housing bailout package:

-This plan is only for homeowners who live in the home to be refinanced. This “Making Home Affordable” plan does not cover investment or vacation properties. It is intended for single family homes or residences (such as Condos) only and as a way to provide financial relief.

-A homeowner who has recently declared or gone through the process of bankruptcy will, unfortunately, not be eligible to do a home loan modification, or refinance through the use of this mortgage stimulus plan.

-Now, a home mortgage can be modified or refinanced for up to 105% of the homes actual market value. This means that homeowners who have seen their property values decline due to the housing market crisis, and due to getting themselves into bad mortgages, can now have the chance to get out from those bad loans and into new home mortgages with fixed 4% interest rates.

-Again, as previously stated, if a home mortgage is owned, backed, or financed by either of the two lending giants, Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae, that mortgage is automatically qualified for a modification into a fixed 4% rate through the use of this housing stimulus plan from Obama.

-Homeowners taking advantage of this modification plan will obtain mortgage payments that do not exceed 31% of their gross monthly income. A lot of homeowners are paying close to 50% or more of their gross monthly income towards their mortgage.

Thanks to this “Making Home Affordable” plan, refinancing or home loan modification is now easier, and more favorable than ever before to homeowners. The approval rates from mortgage lenders and banks will skyrocket as they are given cash incentives, from the government, to finance and work with homeowners who are having financial troubles. Take advantage of this amazing chance to lower your monthly debts now and get that 4% fixed rate home loan today through President Obamas plan.

-M Petrone

The Greedy Secret of Mortgage Refinance Lenders

The biggest fear homeowners have when refinancing their home mortgage is being ripped off. Many homeowners are convinced that the best way to avoid being ripped off in a mortgage refinance is to search for the best mortgage rate quotes they can find. One of the best ways to quickly find a good mortgage rate is to use the services of a mortgage broker. However, here is where I want to caution you about the biggest secret in the mortgage refinancing industry. The secret no broker or bankers want you to know.

So, What is this secret that desperately needs to be exposed that can save you thousands?
On a daily basis, homeowners are being ripped off from mortgage brokers, lenders, and banks without even realizing it. How? By being ripped off by the mortgage lender and paying extremely high closing costs compared to what your costs should be or are compared to other homeowners in the same situation.

So what makes these closing costs so high... and why?
Sometimes mortgage lenders or brokers get together with their lawyers and then charge higher fees based on a lawyers time as well. These lawyer fees end up being passed on to you even though the lawyer was not necessary for most or all of the time. This is more of a red flag if the potential lender or broker offered you their service for “free”. When the word free is used to describe closing costs it just means the lender is making money off you in other ways. A lot of unethical mortgage lenders will grab your attention with these free or low cost refinance options. Sometimes, they will even give you cash when you refinance with them because they know the money will be coming back to them eventually. They will always work it so that you are paying more for this “free” or reduced cost closing than you expected. They will stack the deck in their favor.

Who else will be able to use this kind of scam on me?
You need to be cautious of anyone you are dealing with not only your mortgage lender or bank. Your real estate can just as easily perform the same sort of under handed scheming to you. That is why it is very important to do proper research on any potential mortgage lenders or banks. Know your estimated costs up front. Demand every single fee or related cost is estimated and quoted before the closing is set to take place. This way you can review the fees and ask any questions before signing off on the new loan. Mortgage lenders with long histories are often more stable and financially secure than fly by night mortgage companies. Usually the big lenders do not pull these cheap and greedy scams but be aware none the less. Practice patience and find the perfect lender, terms, rates, and conditions for your home mortgage refinance.

-M Petrone
Taken from: http://www.refinancingcondo.com/2009/02/greedy-secret-of-mortgage-refinance.html

3 Home Mortgage Refinancing Tips to Take Advantage of Low Interest Rates

As a homeowner, you should seriously consider taking advantage of today's low mortgage rates before they start to go up again. Though we are witnessing low rates, these rates won't last forever. Unfortunately, many homeowners will put off getting a refinance and will miss out on the potential savings.

There are many reasons to refinance your mortgage. Reducing the interest rate on your mortgage can seriously lower your monthly payment. If you had bad credit when you bought your house, and you have since cleaned it up, you should be able to significantly reduce your interest rate. In fact, having a mortgage is a great way to improve your credit. So if you were barely able to get a mortgage before, and you have been doing well, you should absolutely look at refinancing to a lower rate today.

When Interest rates were higher, plenty of home buyers selected variable rate mortgages as they carried lower rates. While people with ARM loans are also benefiting from today's low rates, these rates aren't guaranteed to stay. If rates start to climb again, so do the rates for an adjustable mortgage. And along with that will go higher monthly mortgage payments again. To avoid your mortgage payments going up again, refinance to a low, fixed rate mortgage where your payments will stay the same for the life of the loan no matter what happens to interest rates.

Take advantage of Cash Out refinancing: A cash-out refinance may be a particularly good option for your mortgage refinance. With this option, you can refinance for an improved rate, and borrow from your house's equity. You'll get a chunk of money when you close your loan. This money can be used to pay off high-interest debt, to do some home renovation work, put money towards an education or even to take a holiday.

No-Cost Mortgage Refinancing is a Costly Decision

Sunday, May 31, 2009

When your looking around and are ready to refinance your home or condo mortgage, you are bound to see a fair number of advertisements for mortgage company's offering "No Cost", "Free", Or more recently "Reduced Cost For Condo Mortgages". Now somewhere deep down you have to ask yourself, "Why would this be free here and cost good money somewhere else?" Here's a few tips to look for, regardless of there "No cost" offer, to ensure you get the best deal when refinancing your condo or home.

Why do some company's advertise "No cost refinancing"? Why do other mortgage lenders have a very low flat price? Why do yet other lenders have a % based price? They make up for the "Deal" their offering you with a hyperinflated rate or get you into an a.r.m. Loan on your condo or house. They will make whatever the other companies charge plus more with these crazy high rates. So simply put. The low cost or free mortgage and condo services are not to be trusted.

The industry standard for condo and mortgage refinancing is the mortgage company usually takes a sum of .5%-.75% of your mortgage rate as there commission. For the most part, a company offering "No cost" or other gimmick offers usually tack on an additional fee for their commission ranging from another .5% to .75%. That means for you the condo or homeowner your refinancing will cost you more every single month for typically 30 years. Which is a lot of money in the long run.

Deceptive home refinancing techniques like this are used everywhere in the USA. They are easily found and spotted. There is no free anything in the refinancing industry. The only thing you can do is be smart going into it.

-M Petrone