Big Savings: Refinance Existing Loans

Monday, June 29, 2009

With the economy being less than stable these days business everywhere are swamped with the promises of saving money. Everywhere they turn they are offered ways to save on daily costs or they are offered an opportunity to reduce their overhead costs.

Many things can be done to reduce the overall expenses for a business. A few things that a business can do to reduce their cost of operation is purchase they very minimum of what they need, layoffs and even outsourcing is a possibility. It’s difficult to be a business in this economy people are doing everything it takes to stay above water.

All of this is happening while those lenders out there make getting credit harder than ever. These days it is very difficult to get credit to build your own business, lenders are making it increasingly difficult to get a line of credit and many of these same lenders are reducing and in some cases closing people’s line of credit all together. A great option that is out there is Refinancing.

Most people will think of refinancing their current loans only when they see rough times ahead. Usually business owners or homeowners decide to refinance when they know that their monthly payments are increasing or if they are about to default on a payment. There are many business owners never really think about the loans they have and as long as the payments are made and paid on time they don’t seem to worry about those loans. Since being a business nowadays is difficult, owners don’t want to approach banks or other lenders to restart the loan process over again.

Since many do not think of refinancing until they feel they need to, savings are being lost by hundreds of business owners. Also waiting to refinance when you are in trouble is going to be much more difficult and that much harder to find a lender that would be willing to help a struggling business in this economy. By refinancing your loans before being forced to can help your business grow and position yourself to save money while doing so.

Also, if you think that your lender now is thinking of raising rates or something like that, a great way to go around them is to refinance.

In order to always keep your finances in order you should always keep your eyes open and look for new opportunities. There really is no better time than now to refinance your home or business loans. Lenders are looking for new customers and are offering lower rates than ever before. Refinancing not only means your mortgage loans but if you are a business this also includes any and all equipment used to run your daily work day.


Let’s say that when starting your business 18 months ago, you also took a loan out for the equipment that you need. That loan you needed was for $80,000 and it was 8% for the next five years. If you were to refinance the loan at just 7% in the same time frame you would be saving about $500 every month. Once you refinance and start saving that money every month you can use that extra cash for other aspects of your business.

There is no quick easy answer to saving your business, however the combination of refinancing, cutting cost and getting more out of your current customers can help save not only much need cash but also the business.